Dr. Daniel Winterstein

Daniel is a director at Winterwell Associates Ltd, who provide AI/mathematics consultancy and development services. He has worked in a variety of roles: as a consultant for companies such as the BBC and Motorola and the Ministry of Defence, in computer games for industry-leader Realtime Worlds, and as a university researcher. The company works in a variety of sectors, one of which is media.

In particular, we're developing tools for Alternate Reality Games (ARGs). These are story and character driven games that take place across a range of platforms: phones, blogs, websites and web-services such as Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, etc. and even TV and live-events.

He studied Mathematics at Cambridge University (receiving first class honours and being elected as a scholar of Trinity Hall), followed by an M.Sc. with distinction and a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Edinburgh University. Daniel is also a semi-professional writer and playwright, and writes an occasional science column for The Scotsman newspaper.

This is not itself AI work, but it uses AI tools. E.g. one current project is a chatbot system which naturally draws on NLP.

There is more about the company here: http://www.winterwell.com
And our ARG work here: http://www.winterwell.com/sector/arg.php Blog: http://www.platypusinnovation.com